
The Laboratory of Exercise and Health focuses its research on the interaction between blood vessels and muscle in the regulation of muscle metabolism. There is a close connection between blood vessels and muscle metabolism: Glucose, but also oxygen and other nutrients, are delivered to the muscle via an ingenious network of blood vessels formed by nicely aligned endothelial cells. Their proposed function is to regulate blood flow, to provide a barrier between the blood and the surrounding tissue, and to allow oxygen diffusion. Moreover, lowering muscle oxygenation and nutrient availability is a primary stimulus to promote the growth of new blood vessels. Interestingly, endothelial cells only arose during evolution when organisms required a more active metabolism (for instance to predate).

We study how endothelial cells change their metabolism to form new blood vessels during exercise. We also investigate the origin and nature of the interaction between endothelial cells and muscle metabolism. And last, we aim to explore whether muscle metabolism is involved in the regulation of muscle mass.

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